深度学习课程需要做一个project,我们组选了Lottery Ticket Hypothesis这个课题,最近做了一些调研,简要的记录在此。
“The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks” 是ICLR 2019年的best paper,主要贡献是提出了一种模型剪枝的启发式算法。
Lottery Ticket Hypothethsis
A randomly-initialized, dense neural network contains a subnet- work that is initialized such that—when trained in isolation—it can match the test accuracy of the original network after training for at most the same number of iterations.
其中$m$和$\theta_0$是对应的,$\theta_0$不同,找到的$m$也不一样。作者把这个叫做winning ticket。
Identifying Winning Tickets
Pruning Methods
When to prune?
- Before / During / After training
How often?
- One-shot / Iterative
How to prune?
- Magnitude / Gradient-based / Learned
What to prune?
- Structure / Unstructure
- Local / Global
需要注意的是,LTH找到的winning ticket只是训练前的网络结构,还需要进一步训练。
数据集为MNIST、CIFAR-10、CIFAR-100,base model为MLP、LeNet、ResNet-18、VGG-19等。相比于随机剪枝,用LTH方法剪枝可以在几乎和原网络相同的迭代次数下,达到原网络的效果。
Stabilizing the lottery ticket hypothesis
Summary: Instead of reset back to initial values $\theta_0$, rewind to $\theta_k$ after training iteration $k$.
Can research:
- To which point we rewind to?
- Find a strategy for rewinding: ex. Find a metric for rewinding and justify the metric intuitively (theoretically if we can)
Pruning is all you need
Summary: Instead of resetting and training, just prune the network and there exists a winning ticket.
Can research:
- How to find a winning ticket (provide an algorithm).
- How performance can change when size is not as large? (dataset size)
- (Theoretical) What’s the condition that it exits? Or show that it’s hard to find such a winning ticket.
- Effects of width and depth.
We already know a very wide network is sufficient for finding a winning ticket. Show or disprove the conjecture: a deep but not wide network may not have a winning ticket. - Assume that a winning ticket exists, is there a theoretical proof that it’s better? (this question is not well-formulated)
- To what extent do we prune?
- For each of the above, can discuss differences between say MLP or CNN. (In terms of pruning techniques, results etc.)
Pruning and compression